Control and minimization of total costs of operations is always necessary at any wastewater treatment plant. 
Guaranteed reliability and long term sustainability are the keys to transport your system above and beyond normally targeted measures. These wastewater training programs are based upon years of experience and accumulation of practices on actual performance of thousands of systems.

                      Welcome to Wastewater 101

In this section we will cover some of the basics of wastewater treatment.

Why do we need to treat wastewater?  What is the actual process involved in wastewater treatment?

This course involves

  • Areas in Secondary Wastewater treatment
  • Some of the vocabulary you might encounter.
  • Some of the different physical plant types that are configured.
  • Operator controls necessary to optimize your wastewater treatment plant.

We will then tie all these areas together with troubleshooting and a final summary with typical Questions and Answers.

In this Four-part wastewater troubleshooting module we will cover many different areas in the wastewater treatment plant. From Upstream, through the primaries, secondary biological system, clarifiers digesters, dewatering, on down to final effluent.

We will take you on a virtual plant tour and show you how to use visual observations to help monitor and control your wastewater plant

Visual Troubleshooting wastewater plants

Welcome to Collection Systems

In this course we will walk you through manholes, lift stations and collection systems. Whether in a municipality once the water leaves the houses and facilities, all wastewater has to go through pipes and pumps before heading down to the wastewater treatment plant.

Industrial facilities also may have lift stations or wetwells that are part of the wastewater collection system, whether sanitary or production wastewater.

How to troubleshoot these areas as well as  minor implementations that may increase function and capacity of these different areas.

In this wastewater training section we will cover Secondary Biological wastewater treatment plants, the different configurations and types of equipment briefly. 

Some of the technology involved in the biological portion as well as the bacteria involved. We will tie it up with some basic troubleshooting.

Much of the equipment covered in this module will each have an Advanced training module specific to each piece of equipment if you need more detailed information on that individual equipment or topic for troubleshooting.

aeration basin.AVIaeration basin.AVI

Secondary Clarifier

In this section we will discuss how to

Troubleshooting and Optimize Secondary Clarifiers in a biological wastewater treatment plant

Secondary Clarifiers are a main component in a wastewater treatment plant and often under valued.

The purpose of the clarifier is two-fold.

First of all it has to act as a thickener as well as a clarifier.

The second purpose, obviously is while settling

the solids, a clear supernatant should be produced and this is the

final effluent. So yes,

Thickening up the return sludge and clarification of the effluent

are both important here.

Bienvenido a aguas residuales 101

En esta sección vamos a cubrir algunos de los fundamentos del tratamiento de aguas residuales.

Viniendo en 2019